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@Tom Macdonald

Elkaar naampjes geven in het Stamcafé

Op rijm!

They gon' try to call you names, label you with things till you're ashamed You're a sexist, or a racist, white supremacist, or gay They'll attack your reputation, claim that you're the one to blame And try to make you hate yourself for ways that you behave They're just names, embrace them and they'll never cause you pain They're just words that another person thought up in they brain They're just names, they do not define you, that's insane And they'll just call you something different if you change Call me racist, I don't make no BLM donations I can stand with black folks without a branded corporation All this systemic prejudice, if you live in this nation You privileged, black or Caucasian Call me transphobic but I support you in your policies I just can't ignore the very basics of biology All I see is men and women tryna live in harmony Not a hundred genders that you wanna be Call me snowflake 'cause I'm offended, I ain't stone-faced Social justice warriors destroying us with woke ways Mad because they voted for the POTUS with the most hate Man, I miss the old days Call me loser, call me bigot, call me stupid, call me bitter Call me ugly, call me cracker, call me douche, or call me triggered You can call me what you want 'cause at the end of the day Man, they're just names

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